What is the internet of things (IoT)?

The internet of things (IOT) enables individuals to live and work smarter, as well as acquire complete control over their life. IoT is crucial to business in addition to providing smart devices to automate homes. By providing insight into everything from machine performance to supply chain and logistics operations, IoT gives businesses a real-time look into how their systems actually function.

The Internet of Things allows businesses to automate processes and cut labour costs. It also reduces waste and enhances service delivery, making it less expensive to make and transport goods and providing transparency into customer transactions.

Since linked devices can help businesses stay competitive, IoT is one of the most significant technologies of modern life and will only gain momentum in the future.

How does Internet of things (IOT) work?

The Internet of Things (IoT) ecosystem is made up of web-enabled smart devices that use embedded systems, such as processors, sensors, and communication devices, to receive, send, and act on the data they get from their surroundings. IoT devices exchange sensor data via connecting to an Iot network or other edge device, where data is either transferred to the cloud or analysed locally. These gadgets periodically communicate with one another and act on the information they receive. Although individuals can engage with the devices to set them up, give them instructions, or retrieve data, the gadgets do the majority of the work without human participation.

These web-enabled devices’ connectivity, networking, and communication protocols are heavily influenced by the particular IoT applications that have been implemented.

The Internet of Things (IoT) can also employ machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to make the process of gathering data simpler and more dynamic.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of IoT?

Advantages of IoT (Internet of things):

  • The information can be accessed on any device, at any time, from anywhere.
  • The internet of things makes it simple to track data that were previously challenged to get and analyse.
  • Saving time and money by transferring data packets across a network connection; and
  • Automating tasks help to increase the efficiency of a business’s service while reducing the need for human intervention.

Disadvantages of IoT (Internet of things):

  • As the number of linked devices grows and more information is shared between them, the possibility of a hacker stealing confidential information grows.
  • Massive numbers of IoT devices, perhaps even millions, may eventually be a challenge for businesses, making it challenging to collect and manage the data they generate.
  • Every connected device will probably become corrupted if the system has a bug.
  • Since there is no global IoT compatibility standard, it is challenging for devices from various manufacturers to connect with one another.

What industries can benefit from IoT?

Organizations that would benefit from using sensor devices in their business processes are most suited for IoT.


By integrating production-line monitoring to enable predictive repair on equipment when sensors indicate an impending fault, manufacturers can gain a competitive advantage. When a production output is impacted, sensors can really measure it. With the use of sensor alerts, manufacturers can immediately examine equipment for accuracy or remove it from production until it is fixed. This enables businesses to lower operational expenses, increase uptime, and enhance asset performance management.


The deployment of IoT applications has the potential to provide major benefits to the automotive industry. In addition to the advantages of using IoT in manufacturing, sensors can identify impending system failures in vehicles that are already on the road and can provide the driver with data and recommendations. IoT-based apps’ aggregated data has allowed automotive suppliers and manufacturers to understand more about how to keep vehicles running and car owners informed.

Transportation and Logistics

A wide range of IoT applications benefit transportation and logistics operations. Thanks to IoT sensor data, fleets of vehicles, trucks, ships, and trains transporting inventory can be rerouted based on weather conditions, vehicle availability, or driver availability. Additionally, sensors for temperature monitoring and track-and-trace might be built within the inventory itself. Food and beverage, floral, and pharmaceutical businesses frequently carry temperature-sensitive inventory that would profit substantially from IoT monitoring systems that provide alerts when temperatures climb or decrease to a level that harms the product.


Retail businesses may manage inventory, enhance customer service, streamline the supply chain, and cut costs by using IoT apps. For example, smart shelves equipped with weight sensors can collect RFID-based data and transfer it to an IoT platform to automatically manage inventory and give warnings when things are running short. To deliver an engaging experience, beacons can push tailored offers and promotions to customers.

Public Sector

The advantages of IoT in the public sector and other service-related domains are also extensive. For instance, IoT-based apps can be used by government-owned utilities to alert their customers to both major and minor delays in the supply of water, electricity, or sewer services. IoT apps can collect data on the scope of an outage and deploy resources to assist utilities recover from outages more quickly.


The healthcare business benefits from IoT device monitoring in a variety of ways. Doctors, nurses, and orderlies frequently need to know where patient-assistance assets such as wheelchairs are located. When wheelchairs in a hospital are fitted with IoT sensors, they can be tracked from the IoT asset-monitoring application, allowing anyone looking for one to identify the closest wheelchair right away. Many hospital assets can be tracked in this manner to ensure correct usage as well as financial accounting for the physical assets in each department.

General Safety Across All Industries

In addition to tracking physical assets, IoT can be utilised to improve worker safety. Employees in hazardous areas, such as mines, oil and gas fields, and chemical and power plants, must be aware of the appearance of a potentially dangerous incident. They can be warned of accidents and rescued as soon as they are connected to IoT sensor-based applications. Wearables that can monitor human health and environmental conditions are also using IoT applications. These tools not only help consumers better understand their own health, but they also allow doctors to remotely monitor patients.

What are the main components of the Internet of things system?

While the idea of IoT has been in existence for a long time, a collection of recent advances in a number of different technologies has made it practical.

Sensor technology.

Any IoT system’s first layer is made up of sensors and other data-collecting devices. They transform analogue signals to digital signals, acting as the link between the physical and digital worlds. Meters, sensors, probes, gauges, and actuators are examples of sensory devices that can read characteristics such as temperature, distance, position, humidity, and so on. These devices are put on endpoints (objects) and collect necessary parameters as raw data.

Network connectivity.

For effective data transfer, sensors can now be easily connected to the cloud and other “things” using a variety of network protocols for the internet.

The Internet of Things (IoT) has seen a huge increase in the number of devices controlled by and linked to the internet during the last few years. Although IoT devices have a wide range of applications, they have similarities as well as differences. A wide range of technologies enables IOT. The network used to connect with other devices in an IoT deployment is crucial to the field, and it can be filled with a variety of wireless or wired technologies.

Cloud computing platforms.

The data collected from various things or devices is stored in the cloud. Simply described, cloud computing is a network of linked servers that run continuously (24/7) over the Internet.

Massive volumes of data are produced by IoT users, users’ applications, and devices, and this data needs to be managed effectively. IoT clouds are responsible for a variety of tasks, including data gathering, processing, management, and archiving. Industries and services can remotely access the data, enabling them to make important decisions at any time.

In its most basic form, an IoT cloud is a network of servers specialised to handle data at fast rates for a large variety of different devices, manage traffic, and analyse data with high accuracy. A distributed management system is required for an IoT cloud.

Machine learning and analytics.

Businesses may obtain insights faster and simpler with developments in machine learning and analytics, as well as access to different and large volumes of data stored in the cloud. The development of these linked technologies continues to push the frontiers of IoT, and IoT data feeds these technologies as well.

The data are processed after it is received into the cloud. Here, data is processed using a variety of algorithms, including machine learning and others.

Analog information is transformed into useful insights that may be processed, evaluated, and in-depthly examined through the use of connected sensors and devices. For the purpose of monitoring and improving the Internet of things, analysis of unprocessed data or information is required (IoT). Real-time smart analysis is one of the most important advantages of a well-designed IoT system since it allows designers to identify abnormalities in data collection and take immediate action to avert an undesired outcome. Network operators can prepare for the following steps if the proper data is gathered at the right time.

Conversational artificial intelligence (AI).

Natural-language processing (NLP) has been introduced to IoT devices (such as digital personal assistants Alexa, Cortana, and Siri) through advances in neural networks, making them more appealing, inexpensive, and feasible for home usage.

IoT functions more like a platform that enables global connectivity and communication with objects. It is the interconnection of actual physical objects, such as sensors, actuators, and other essential electronics, that can speak to one another without the need for human contact. The idea is to make it possible for things to transmit and receive data through the Internet. In order to make robots behave more humanely, artificial intelligence (AI) aims to mimic human behavior and intelligence in them. The goal is to develop technologies that will enable people and machines to work in collaboration.

Internet of things (IoT) security and privacy issues

As billions of devices are linked to the internet and billions of data points are used, it is necessary to protect all of these connections and data points in the internet of things. IoT security and IoT privacy are key concerns due to its extended attack surface.

IoT devices are interconnected, so a hacker only needs to take advantage of one weakness to change all the data and make it useless. Devices made by manufacturers who don’t update them frequently or at all leave them open to hackers.

Some devices through which hackers can enter the IoT (Image source Reuters)

Furthermore, connected devices frequently ask users to provide personal information such as names, ages, residences, phone numbers, and even social networking accounts – information that hackers find invaluable.

The internet of things is not only at risk from hackers; users of the IoT also have serious privacy concerns. For instance, businesses that manufacture and sell consumer IoT devices might utilize those devices to collect and market the personal information of users.

Apart from leaking personal data, IoT risks important infrastructure such as power, transportation, and financial services.

The Mirai botnet, which a teenager developed by telnetting into baby monitors and security cameras using default passwords that were simple to guess and then unleashing one of history’s biggest DDoS assaults, may be the best example of this.


  • IoT platform technology advances, and regulations are integrated to improve accessibility, power, expense, and safety.
  • New technologies and protocols join IoT ecosystem to make it more accessible, cost effective, energy efficient and most importantly secure.
  • With the advancement of IoT technology, highly advanced vehicle usage scenarios will emerge, fundamentally changing the way we communicate with our vehicles.
  • Because of the high demand in various industries, the Internet of Things will continue to develop.

A guide to Internet of Things